Your Nervous System + Chiropractic in Oconto WI

Your Nervous System + Chiropractic in Oconto WI

Your Nervous System + Chiropractic in Oconto WI
Did you know that we have TWO main parts of our nervous system?
  • Sympathetic nervous system : (fight or flight/gas pedal)
  • Parasympathetic nervous system : (rest & digest/brakes)

Chiropractic care in Oconto WI has a direct effect on your nervous system. In order for our bodies to function optimally we need a healthy balance between these two main parts. With how "Go! Go! Go!" our world is today we are finding that most people (children through adults) do not have a balance happening between the two. Our sympathetic nervous systems are being kicked into overdrive.

What is the difference between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system responses in Oconto WI?

When our sympathetic side of things comes on you can expect
  • Fight or flight response
  • Body tenses up
  • On high alert
  • Decreased digestion
  • Adrenaline rush
  • Cortisol levels spike
This is a great response if we're being chased by a bear or in a high stakes situation where you need to think fast, but that's not an everyday thing (or I would hope it's not.) Our bodies need to be able to slow down and assess what is going on and function properly. This is where the parasympathetic response kicks in.
When our parasympathetic side of things comes on you can expect
  • Rest & digest response
  • Restores state of calm (Homeostasis)
  • Increased digestion
  • Cortisol levels decrease
  • Store energy
Chiropractic care can help your body adapt to the stress related interference from your nervous system that we may experience day to day. Come get adjusted to make sure you're not "in overdrive" when you could be set on cruise control.